Proudly Providing Drilling Services Since 1992
We have experience in providing high quality, cost effective environmental, geotechnical and mineral drilling services to engineering consultants, private clients, also State and Federal agencies.
Expertise & Services
Roberts Environmental Drilling, Inc. (REDI) is a small family business incorporated in the state of Illinois. We are licensed to provide drilling services and install monitoring wells in the following states: Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa.
REDI has the necessary equipment, trained personnel and experience to perform air knife, soil borings, soil & water sampling, and rock drilling & coring in support of Geotechnical and Environmental Projects.
Drilling Services

All Terrain Drilling
Capability to auger drill, rock core or air rotary in nearly all types of terrain.

Direct-Push Probing
Capability to push 2", 3" & 4" casing for soil sampling and installing monitoring wells.

Air Rotary & Water Well Drilling
Bedrock monitoring wells, borings for geophysical data collection, water wells

Vacuum Excavation
Air or water jetting assisted vacuum excavation, as a non-destructive way to locate underground utilities.

Auger Drill Rigs
REDI provides all ranges of sampling techniques
Equipped & Qualified
Our wide variety of equipment allows us to handle any of your Geotechnical, Environmental, Direct Push, and Air Rotary project needs. We are also equipped and qualified to install 2″, 4″, 6″, & 8″ diameter monitoring wells and 4″, 6″, & 8″ diameter recovery wells, including soil vapor extraction wells.
Health & Safety
Our number one priority, at Roberts Environmental Drilling Inc., is SAFETY! Accidents have always been inherent in the drilling industry. However, we are confident that with the proper training, work policies and work practices, accidents can be minimized. Our field crews are highly experienced and knowledgeable in all drilling activities, and are themselves, committed to an accident free workplace.
REDI field personnel are in compliance with OSHA regulations for workers on hazardous waste sites, which includes being enrolled in a medical monitoring program to operate at personal protective levels D, C, & B. Our crews can also meet your expectations of adapting to your site-specific Health and Safety Plan, as well as our own in-house safety policies & procedures.
Qualification and Safety Verification Networks
We take our qualifications and safety very seriously, so that it will make your job easier when hiring us for your specific project.

Transportation Worker
Identification Credential

Rail Road Training
(BNSF, CN, CSX, KC Southern, Union Pacific, Norfolk Southern, Shoreline)

First Aid & CPR
Please Contact Us For Your Next Project
618-476-REDI (7334)
1107 S Mulberry St,
Millstadt, IL 62260